There are a couple extra steps involved with these cupcakes (pureeing the sweet potato, making the icing) so I wouldn't make these if pressed for time, but if you are in the mood to try something new and a little different go for this if you've got a slow afternoon.
I do believe the toasted frosting makes the cupcake.
While the cupcakes are cooling make the frosting. This took me quite a while. You have to separate the yolks from whites and then heat the whites on the stove up to 160. If I make these again I'd just buy pasteurized egg whites to speed this step along. Then I whipped them up with some sugar, vanilla, and cream of tartar until I have fluffy marshmallow wonderfulness.
I almost always use gallon sized ziploc bags to ice cupcakes and the work well to get a nice swirl on there.
If you are lucky enough to have a kitchen torch now is your big chance to use it. Have fun, and watch out for those cupcake papers, they burn.
Cupcakes in full birthday glory. Along with whatever else was on the table at the grad student dorm.
One more tip- definitely refrigerate over night because of the egg intensive frosting. Happy baking!