Saturday, August 31, 2013

August Goals Wrap Up

1. Complaining- Well this one kind of failed. The first two weeks went pretty well, but after that I don't know if I stopped trying or if I just prefaced every complaint with, "I know I'm not supposed to complain but..." For a more abstract goal like this one it would be helpful to have either a more narrowed goal like, don't complain about x, y, or z, or to have lots and lots of helpful reminders around. A post-it with a positive message can work wonders. (Not scientifically proven).

2. Spending- Good job me! I didn't do much spending excluding the use of some giftcards (but I classified that as okay). Like I mentioned in a post before, I'm not really a big spender so this wasn't much of a challenge, but it did make me think about the things that I wanted to buy throughout the month and gave me a chance to evaluate what I really needed. Example: Early in August I did a lot of cleaning out and de-cluttering and I wanted to buy some organizing file folders for important documents (exciting, I know) and maybe some containers that would be good for storing craft supplies. The file folders would still be helpful, but during my clean out time I found some other boxes that work just as well as a box that was specifically designed to store crafty materials. All this to say, the month taught me that having a wait time before buying something is useful and practical.

3. Exercise- I am pleased to say that this was another very successful goal. Most weeks I did some form of exercise on Mon-Fri with one make up session on a weekend. These were by no means long and strenuous workouts but I did get moving. The fact that I did not have over night work travel this month really helped me keep up with the goal.

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