Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Goals

As promised...I'm back! July was a busy busy month, so the blogging break was needed and appreciated by me. And that busy, fast month brings my wedding date quickly closer. YAY!

I'll update you in another post about some of my July adventures, but for now let's stick with August. If I'm good I'll update you on my goals progress each week.

1. No Complaining. I was debating weather to share my goals or not, but now that I've said it, hold me accountable! Before you laugh and this goal, yes I realize that I have sort of set myself up for failure with this one. Obviously I will complain about something. BUT I do have a thick hair tie on my wrist and I'll give myself a good snap when I realize I'm doing it. Weird? Maybe, but I'd like to try to get most of the unconstructive complaining and whining out of my life. It doesn't do a whole lot but bring down the mood and make me seem annoying. So there, NO complaining, call me out when I do.

2. Spending. Between all the travel and visiting last month I spent a little more than I usually do. And a lot of the spending was on random items that aren't immediate necessities. There are no regrets about buying my new 1L Camelbak water bottle (in fact I recommend it to everyone), but aside from gifts for others and the necessities, a new skein of yarn or a super-cute-dress-that's-on-sale can wait.

3. Exercise. I never really jumped off the exercise train, but there was a marked slump in July. The plan is to exercise 5x/week. This doesn't mean I have to run a marathon or anything, 20 minutes counts in my book if that's what I can fit in. And it's so worth it, I feel better, I eat better, and I am happier with regular exercise. This goal should help with goal #1.

Welcome August!


  1. Or you could run a marathon. All the cool kids are doing it.

  2. I love all of these goals. In fact, I'm probably keeping some version of them for myself. Can't believe you're getting married in no time!!

    1. After reading "The Happiness Project" and "Happier at Home" setting monthly goals has been my new favorite hobby, do ittttttt!
