Treehouse is the name of the Lutheran Campus Ministry in College Station. Our group is called Treehouse with the idea that it is a place where you can feel at home, with the tree representing growth of the group and reaching out to people outside of ourselves.
We arrive at 6:45 on Thursday evenings, there are a few minutes of socialization then we sit down to a family style dinner which is graciously provided by families of the 2 ELCA congregations in College Station.
Dusty and Elizabeth at dinner.
There are about 6 tables in the room each seating 5-6 people. The structure of dinner is centered around a short service. Before we sit down we begin by the sharing of the peace. This is not the normal church service sharing of the peace where you feel good about yourself if you shook hands with the people in the row in front AND behind you. This involves hugging everyone in the room and saying, "Peace be with you," or some other variation like "Joy be with you" or something else. Is all the hugging awkward for the new people? Yes. But you'll get used to it, and then its a great part of the week.
When we sit down for dinner we pass around the bread for communion then catch up for a few minutes and start a conversation around whatever question is listed on the table for that week. Then as a large group we pick one person from the table to share an answer to what they discussed.
Paul, sharing his discussion points. This weeks topic was more fun than serious.
Near the end of the meal there is a short reading from the Bible, the passage often relates back to the questions that were discussed at dinner.
Paige, she was our assisting minister for the evening. I had this job last week.
Following the reading the wine for communion is distributed, prayers are said, and we sing a closing song.
That portion of the evening ends around 7, and then from 8-9 there is an hour that is spent on a specific topic or activity. This week we had the bishop of our synod come speak. He came once last semester and he is a great speaker. I guess that is a pre-requisite for becoming a bishop, but he really does his job well!
Bishop Mike speaking, I chose the blurry hand picture so you could see how energetic he was when speaking to us.
Mindy giving a few announcements for the week
This is the spot I was sitting at, we got to write on the table last week, I was having fun reading what everyone chose as inspirational words.
Group picture!
Nothing like a little post-Treehouse, post-dish washing dance party with Angie and Jessie.
Well friends, that is a typical Thursday evening in the life of Beth.
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