Friday, April 26, 2013

What's cooking?

I think that I've actually been eating fairly well lately. These recipes will not reflect that.

Here is a peanut butter sheet cake I made for the going away party for the students from Honduras at David's research station.

Not the most beautiful cake ever, but very good! I got a lot of compliments on it from people who said they aren't big fans of sweets. Its very moist and not overly sweet. Quite a good combination. Here is the link to the blog where I got the recipe 

This past Sunday David and I went to a later church service than usual so I had time to try a breakfast that was more exciting than cereal or granola bars.
I made cinnamon pancakes with a frosting as the syrup.

All of my plates were in the dishwasher. Had to use paper, but I won't complain about the easy clean up.

My future husband applying the frosting/syrup

Again, this recipe worked well, or I wouldn't have shared it on this blog. What has really changed my pancake making experience is the griddle that my brother Erik (Hi Erik!) got me for Christmas. After years of trying I still cannot make a perfect pancake on the stove. But the griddle is changing my breakfast making life. 

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