Sunday, May 12, 2013

Product Reccommendation: Nook

I know I had some complaints about my Nook a couple posts ago but that problem has been solved and once again, I love my Nook.

NOOK Simple Touch
I have the Nook Simple Touch for about a year now. The screen has e-ink technology so it isn't bright like a computer (this was one of my main concerns before taking the plunge to e-reader life). You can read it in bright sun, you can read it with one hand, I've even read while brushing my teeth before because you can read it with no hands. I'm hoping the no hands thing will help me accomplish my lifetime goal of being able to knit and read at the same time. Still working on it. 

With Nook, you have access to an optional free book every Friday, and most classics are free or only $.99. You can read any book for free in a Barnes and Noble store. The device is very small and light so its easy to have with you at all times in a bag or purse. (But do get a case). The nook is especially easy for travel or for cutting down on clutter in the house. An excessive amount of books in a home is appealing to me, but carrying a whole selection of books at all times is a wonderful thing too. 

And for some balance a few cons: You can't really lend books to friends (there is a feature for this, but few books are lend-able and I think you can only lend once anyway). If you aren't careful spending could be a little too easy (nook account is attached to credit card). If you are depending on your Nook and its acts up, might be out of luck if you are on vacation or something, but that's just a hazard of electronics. 

But, great story: My Nook was acting up recently, and since it was still under the 1 year warranty the store replaced it for me AND gave me $35 worth of Nook product accessories (screen covers and a book Nook light) since that is the promotion that's going on right now. The associates were nice and patient, and I walked out of the store with a new device. So...they certainly take care of you if problems arise. 

Overall, I love it. I find it a great way to keep my physical book collection under control and there are always good deals and new book suggestions to be found. 

Now for the real question, what do you think of e-readers? Love 'em? Wish they had never been invented? Somewhere in between? Do you have input on the Kindle v. Nook debate?


  1. Nook is by Barnes and Noble, right? My sister has a Kindle, and she's in love with it. I don't know much about the differences (pros, cons, etc.) of the Kindle vs the Nook, and I haven't felt particularly pressured to get one. There's just something about a good old fashioned paperback that makes me happy. :) (Although e-textbooks are really enticing!)

  2. Yes Barnes and Noble. And I agree, there is definitely no replacement for the feel of a book in your hands, and that triumphant closing of a book when you are finished. That being said, I still love it. If you get PDFs you can also put journal articles on there which somehow makes reading them more enjoyable.

  3. YAY NOOK! I love it for all the reasons you said. Plus, I love that I can get tons of library books on it remotely. That was a huge help when we were overseas. I will say that although I am a loyal Nooky, B&N won't let you purchase from outside the US, but Amazon/Kindle will. So I had to email my sis-in-law to buy books for me (with our credit card info saved) when we were overseas. But the library still worked fine.
