Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Balcony Garden

I showed a picture of my balcony a while back, but now I have a new and improved version.

David made this table and it is perfect for holding my plants outside and generally making the balcony area look homier. 

I've never had much success growing herbs indoors, but this shady area helps me realize all of my culinary dreams of having fresh herbs on hand. 

I think I'm in love with my basil

And look at this CUTE tomato

My balcony is screened in to keep the bugs out (which is great) but not not so great when I need my veggies pollinated. I had to pollinate my tomatoes with a Q-tip and try to fool the plant into thinking I was a bee. Likely this is the only tomato I will see on the plant but I was so excited that my experiment of pollinating tomatoes actually worked, at least on one of them!


  1. What kind of tips can you give for herb growing? The house I'm living in next year has lots of places for growing green things, and I'd love to start with some herbs. Unfortunately, I've never had much of a green thumb.

    1. Hmmm, honestly until now I haven't had lots of luck with herbs, but I think if they are in an area that receives at least some direct sun they should do alright. For most of the herbs I have right now I started the seeds outside where I would keep the plant so they didn't have to go through a shock/potential killing period. I think plants do better outside if it isn't too hot or cold, but watch out for bugs! Many herbs are needy when it comes to water so keep them in a plastic pot (terra cotta pots dry out to quickly since they are porous).
