Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Not the world's best muffins

But they still are pretty tasty!

The first time I made these applesauce oatmeal muffins was when my parents came for a visit. I specifically was seeking out a "healthy" recipe because I figured we would be eating out more than usual so at least breakfast could be healthy. The original time I made these muffins, after they were baked I took a big sniff and stated that they smelled, "Too healthy." By too healthy I mean that they smelled like something that would be dry and grainy.

Upon sampling these muffins I was pleasantly surprised. I won't say these are as good as a muffin you would buy at a cafe that is moist and very sweet, but pretty delicious for a healthy recipe.

The recipe lists raisins as optional but I'd say that they are a must. It is the raisins that kept the overall muffin from being too dry. Also, where it says to use 2 egg whites, just go ahead and use 1 egg instead. I'm really opinionated about the great nutrition that is packed in an egg yolk.

Last week when I made these for myself I discovered that you can use a cake stand for more than just cake. It is such a pretty way to display any baked goods and now I can use a cake stand more than twice a year.

Probably what made my mornings last week was walking into the kitchen and seeing this.

The pretty cake stand makes me feel like I'm being served a fancy breakfast. I'd say its the perfect way to wake up on a week day morning. Go, dust off your cake stand and bake yourself some muffins. 

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